Don’t start the BBQ without these gloves!

Built for the Heat Let’s talk about heat. We’re not just talking about the 250-300°F range that’s standard for low-and-slow BBQ. We’re talking about direct, open flames and surfaces that can crank up to 500°F or more. When you’re dealing...

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Are You On The Cutting Edge?

When you are riding the cutting edge in your work, make sure you have the right protection. Hey there, kitchen adventurers! If you’re chopping veggies and dishing out culinary creations day in and day out, you know the score: You are on the cutting edge, and...

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Don’t get steamed in the kitchen

Don’t get steamed in the kitchen! Let’s talk about something that might not get a lot of spotlight but plays a crucial role in keeping us safe in the kitchen: steam protection gloves. Tucker’s STEAMGLOVE™ WILL PROTECT YOU! Now, I know what you’re...

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In the Kitchen Trenches

When the dinner rush leaves you shell shocked and careless, Tucker will protect you. Who Wins In The Battle Between Quality and Cheap Commercial Kitchen Hand Protection? Hey there, fellow kitchen warriors! Whether you’re seasoned in the kitchen or a newbie,...

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Who has time for a safety audit? We do!

We all know that injuries can halt your business, and having the right protection in your fast-paced environment is critical. Start this year with a Tucker Safe Step review. The Tucker SafeStep™ Program has helped many foodservice operators and owners evaluate their...

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