Safety Station, 5-Clip with mounting hardware

5-Clip Safety Station (11.5″x 6″) with mounting hardware made from non-porous, non-corrosive food safe material with silk-screened text and graphics. Wall mounted equipment station is uniquely designed to hang Tucker Cut Resistant Gloves. Clips are non-corrosive and permanently fastened to placard.

Equipment Safety Stations are an easy and inexpensive way to provide a simple, yet effective system for space-efficient and orderly storage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). 

PPE that is accessible and properly stored promotes compliance by eliminating last minute scrambling to find safety equipment; helps maintain an uncluttered, structured, and sanitary environment; and ultimately delivers savings to the bottom line through reduced workplace injuries and avoiding premature replacement costs for missing or damaged PPE.


This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.


  • They are constructed of non-absorbent materials that will not rust or oxidize
  • Images or information printed on the substrate material are designed not to chip or flake
  • Mounting hardware withstands the rigors of a commercial kitchen environment
  • Safety Stations can be easily removed for cleaning and remounted
  • Safety Stations are easy to customize with helpful information
Size Part Number
11.5″x 6″ 99953

Spec Sheet PDF

  • Rinse with cold water then machine wash in warm water with mild detergent or soap for 10-15 minutes.
  • Water temperature should not exceed 160ºF (71ºC).
  • Rinse in cold water.
  • Tumble dry for 10-15 minutes, not exceeding 150ºF (67ºC).
  • A diluted bleach solution may be used (5.25% sodium hypochlorite or 1:10 household bleach).

Our Safety Stations are ideal for commercial foodservice operations

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